Joshua Tree Park is in the middle of the desert north of Palm Springs. That's the desert.
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It's rugged, mountains that rise out of the desert. See the dark line going across the middle of the photo?
That's the San Andreas Fault South of the park!
Here you can see how the fault is in the valley between ranges of mountains.
Look the other direction and it's rocks - and towering clouds.
Rocks of all shapes
Rocks often covered with people climbing them
And quite a few other creatures - rattlesnakes for instance
And big lizards - this guy was ~18"
More rocks with peopel crawling up them and - see the hole?
Hanging out
Another view of the same hole in the rocks that looks like a skull from this angle
And a close up
Rocks with names
Precarious rocks
And of course cactus and sun - lots of sun
Different types of cactus
And more cactus
Cactus and rocks
People climbing rocks
People learning how to climb rocks - yep a rock-climbing school
Rocks and dried up trees, crushed under rockslides
One of my favorite signs of all times!
Odd shaped rocks
Really odd
Joshua tree has one big water hole around Barker Dam
More cactus
Odd rocks galore
Wind must be shaping them
We were there in April for the wildflowers
cactus was in bloom too
Nasty but beautiful
This is the core of a dead cactus
Almost as many types of cactus as rocks
Cactus blooms
Another unique sign - must be a story here but I have not been able to track it down
Even birds next in the desert
Odd dead cactus base
I think its a lichen
The hole in the rock looks mandmade? Indians grinding corn?
We'll end with this colorful dried palm